my Portfolio

Advanced code crafter since 2023

Grüne Gurke

My first every completly self made website. I just wanted to try something new and make some experience in my job

Faithful Farming is a website that just maintain. This aud gabe I also got from my Boss


ths -homeschool was one of the first websites i created at ths. With this we advertise our online school 

Auswandern mit kindern

This is the landing page that belongs to the ths-homeschool site. This is one of the more updated tasks of my work.

This is the first website I have ever built while working at ths. There I saw a lot for the first time and thanks to a template I was able to learn a lot that helped me in the future.

Your Website

if you want me to create a custom website then feel free to contact me.

Chester is a reliable young man, who is firmly rooted. His confidence and faith gives him the power to overcome difficult situation’s and succeed where other people would give up.

Tom Haase (THS leader)

Chesters Charta

blessed To be a blessing

I am very grateful to those who invest their skills in me. This investment I would like to pass on to the kingdom of God and my customers, while I have an extselens claim in everything I do because at the end of each working day I want that Jesus can say: Well done, my faithful servant”