Leaving Homeland

over 1,5 Years of life in paraguay

a big step & a bigger vision

living & working in a christan village

Old year, old life-new year, new life: new year’s eve 2021 we boarded the plane in Frankfurt germany and on new year’s day 2022 we set our feet on paraguayan soil. We had a big vision in our luggage.
Starting with Corona and the decline of christian values in 2020, my family decided to follow our church leaders Inga and Tom Haase to Paraguay with the goal of founding a Christian village. By now there are about 40 families living here, a homeschool coop was founded with about 80 children and there is a building for the church and the village administration of UNIJC.
Here i experience my new everyday life between school, youth church and training in web design. One thing i can tell you: Tom is a good teacher and he never gets tired of pushing me to the next level.

Chester Phil Buchner

ingredients of a powerful life

Jesus is the center of my life. Through him i am fearless and strong. I rejoice every day of my life and look to the future with confidence and hope - even if the world is pretty crazy right now.

Chesters faith insides

Yesterday i dislocated my shoulder and had to go to the hospital. During the waiting time the pain became quite acute again, my mother wrote to the house church and everyone prayed for me, including the children. What can I say?! At that moment, the pain subsided and I was overcome with joy and happiness. For me, a life with Jesus does not mean a life without crises, but to have Jesus with me in my backpack during crises.

And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing.

Genesis 12.1 (my baptism verse)